Sunday, July 24, 2005

Pickles, Olives, Fruit-Rollups...Oh My!

Enter weird cravings (stage left). Okay, so I'm not necessarily mashing my pickles into vanilla ice-cream or having olive pancakes for breakfast. But I am finding that food I don't normally eat is having the most satisfactory effect on my digestive system.

Today, I reached the threshhold. After two weeks of feeling nauseas and finding ABSOLUTELY NOTHING EDIBLE (to me, anyways...) in the house, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Brian, being the angelic husband that he is, had been doing the grocery shopping recently. But unfortunately, he was buying food that we normally eat. "Normally" as in pre-pregnancy. And "normal" food has been been wreaking havoc on my innards.

So today, I picked my lazy ass off the sofa, threw on some pants with an elastic waistband, gave myself a little pep talk and faced the most daunting of tasks for a woman with pregnancy nausea (morning sickness is an inappropriate term when the sickness is perpetual): the Grocery Store. When you are pregnant, you suddenly realize there are smells you never even knew existed. Horrific smells that you are glad you never had to experience before. And the grocery store is the hell-zone where these smells not only exist in abundance, but also blend and mix with each other to create a truly tortuous experience.

My goal was this: go down every single aisle and throw in anything that looks appealing or doesn't make me feel like I am about to do a scene from the Exorcist.

Mission was accomplished successfully. The nausea was kept under control. I drove home, barely able to contain my excitement about breaking open that jar of dill pickles and ravaging it. Skip forward to Brian helping me unload the bags and put everything away. One after the other, as he pulls each item from the bag, a look of horror begins to creep over his face. If I guess correctly, I believe that must be the moment he realized that he will not be eating a "normal" meal in this house for the next 7 1/2 months.

While typing this, I have consumed almost half a jar of olives. And I feel better than I have in weeks.

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